Norwegian Cats Health

Genetic diseases .

All of our Cats are tested for genetically traceable diseases.

All our cats are unharmed. Consequently all their descendants are unharmed by descent.

- Glycogenosis type 4 ... GSD4 To learn more about...

- Pyruvate kynase deficiency ... PKDEF To learn more about...

Other ADN Tests: 

- All our cats are genetically identified (DNA card) and their blood group is also DNA tested. 

- For all kittens who go to breeding the parental filiation will be made.

Cats Ultrasound :

 All Our Cats Are Ultrasound

The heart is checked by Doppler echo on adults from 2 years old.  To learn more about...

 No case of H. C. M. has been found with me to date.

 All Our Cats Are Ultrasound

All our breeders are FIV / FELV tested and free.